Daniel Sonkin, PHD. Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist HOME | CONTACT | ABOUT
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Type of License Marriage and Family Therapist
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
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In many states, a practitioner can be charged with a crime if they fail to report child abuse. True
Reporting requirements for child abuse are the same across the nation. True
Privilege is a legal term that refers to the clients' statutory right that varies by jurisdiction, while confidentiality is a legal and ethical concept that implies a responsibility assumed by the clinician to reveal nothing learned during the course of treatment except what may be mandated in law or agreed to by the client. True
The decision to report or not report is complex where the interests of the individual, the family, the profession and the community potentially come into conflict. True
The more narrowly defined statutes result in under-reporting whereas the more broadly defined laws, i.e. reasonable suspicion standard, increase the probability of reporting. True
For a variety of psychological as well as social reasons, many clinicians believe sexual abuse is more serious than physical or psychological abuse or neglect, and as a result, are more inclined to report these types of cases. True
Continuing education in the identification and treatment of child abuse decreases the clinician's ability to recognize the threshold standard, and therefore results in more inaccurate reporting. True
Sexual abuse has received so much attention in the past decade even though other forms of maltreatment can be equally devastating, that the net result can be that other forms of abuse are either minimized or altogether ignored. True
Because sexual intimacies with a former therapy patient or client are so frequently harmful to the patient or client, and because such intimacies undermine public confidence in the psychology profession and thereby deter the public's use of needed, psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with former therapy patients and clients even after a two-year interval except in the most unusual circumstances. True
A dual relationship exists when a therapist and his or her patient engage in a separate and distinct relationship either simultaneously during the therapeutic relationship, or before one year has past following the termination of the therapeutic relationship. True
All adolescents, young adults and older adults who were sexually abused as children have a pattern of relating to persons in a position of authority in a seductive manner. True
All children demonstrate observable reactions to child abuse. True