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Instructions: Check the most correct answer for each question.
1. An attachment figure is a caregiving figure who provides protection from danger or threat. During childhood, this is usually one's parents or parent figures. In adulthood this can be one’s spouse or partner.
2. Bowlby’s central proposition was that beginning in early infancy there is an innate component of the human mind -- called the “attachment behavioral system” -- that in effect asks the question: Is there an attachment figure always near, always attentive and perfectly responsive?
3. One argument that attachment is an independent phenonmenon is that it has been documented that there are the same rates of secure/insecure attachment across different cultures.
4. Mary Ainsworth was the American psychologist who brought Bowlby's theory to the United States and developed a method of assessing infant attachment. In her landmark book, Patterns of Attachment: A psychological study of the strange situation (1978), she describes this widely used protocol, the strange situation, and the patterns of secure and insecure attachment.
5. Originally three patterns were observed, secure, anxious avoidant, and anxious ambivalent, but later on Mary Main and Judith Solomon at the University of California in Berkeley described a fourth category, can not classify.
6. The disorganized children were particularly ambivalent upon reunion with their attachment figure, both approaching and avoiding contact.
7. Researchers have found that the attachment status of a prospective parent will predict the attachment status of their child to that parent, with as high as 69 percent predictability.
8. Changes in attachment status (discontinuity) can occur in either direction (secure to insecure, insecure to secure) from childhood into adulthood.
9. The AAI is the only method to assess adult attachment.
10. On the AAI, dismissing adults tend to have extremely long stories. Many recall detailed memories of childhood.
11. Preoccupied individuals tend to have extremely short stories, often claiming that they don't have memory for childhood experiences.
12. The Relationship Status Questionaire assesses attachment status by assessing the degree of anxiety and use of avoidance in interpersonal relationships.
13. Research has shown that attachment status can easily be accurately assessed through the clinical interview.
14. It is believed that attachment relationships help the infant's immature brain develop by using the mature functions of the parent’s brain to develop important capacities related to interpersonal functioning.
15. Many scientists believe that the limbic system is responsible for many attachment related capacities.
16. The Caregiving Behavioral System is the complementary system to the Attachment Behavioral System.
17. Assessing the degree of "Reflective Function" is another method of assessing attachment status.
18. According to Damasio, emotions and feelings are the same thing.
19. Earned secure occurs when a person is assessed as secure early in life, but becomes insecure because of intervening factors.
20. When considering the attachment and the neurobiological findings, it stands to reason that the therapist's attachment status will have an impact on their ability to help their patient move from insecure to more secure attachment.
Course Evaluation Course Title: DL-Attachment Informed Psychotherapy Course Approval Number: SON011-0017-000; PCE 1999 (MFT & LCSW) Instructor: Daniel Jay Sonkin, Ph.D., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Please enter the following information in order to receive continuing education credits. 1. What is your professional status? Licensed psychologist LCSW MFT Student Unlicensed masters or doctoral level Other: 2. What was your primary reason for selecting this course? Subject was interesting Reputation of leader(s) Recommended by colleague Important to job activities Required by law/regulations Other: 3. Overall, how helpful do you think this 8 hour workshop will be to your clinical work? Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not that helpful Not helpful at all 4. How much did this 7 hour workshop expand your knowledge of attachment theory? Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all 5. How much did this 7 hour workshop add to your knowledge of neurobiology? Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all 6. Did you take advantage of the opportunity to interact with Dr. Sonkin? Yes No If yes, did you find it helpful? Yes No 7. If you did not make use of the interactive part of the program, why didn't you ask Dr. Sonkin questions (select the answer that best describes your reason)? The information was clear enough I don't like using email I didn't have any questions The links didn't work with my computer I'd like to digest the material before contacting him Other reason: 8. How would you rate you instructor's knowledge? Very high High Average Below average Poor 9. How would you rate your instructor's teaching ability? Very high High Average Below average Poor 10. To what degree was this course both consistent with and met its stated goals and objectives. Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all 11. Overall, how would you rate the value of this program? Very high High Average Below average Poor 12. Would you take another online workshop with Dr. Sonkin? Yes No 13. Is it ok to contact you of future online offerings? Yes No 14. Comments / Suggestions for improvement:
Course Evaluation Course Title: DL-Attachment Informed Psychotherapy Course Approval Number: SON011-0017-000; PCE 1999 (MFT & LCSW) Instructor: Daniel Jay Sonkin, Ph.D., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Please enter the following information in order to receive continuing education credits. 1. What is your professional status?
Course Evaluation
Course Title: DL-Attachment Informed Psychotherapy
Course Approval Number: SON011-0017-000; PCE 1999 (MFT & LCSW)
Instructor: Daniel Jay Sonkin, Ph.D., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
1. What is your professional status?
Licensed psychologist LCSW MFT Student Unlicensed masters or doctoral level Other:
Licensed psychologist
Unlicensed masters or doctoral level
2. What was your primary reason for selecting this course?
Subject was interesting Reputation of leader(s) Recommended by colleague Important to job activities Required by law/regulations Other:
Subject was interesting
Reputation of leader(s)
Recommended by colleague
Important to job activities
Required by law/regulations
3. Overall, how helpful do you think this 8 hour workshop will be to your clinical work?
Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not that helpful Not helpful at all
Extremely helpful
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not that helpful
Not helpful at all
4. How much did this 7 hour workshop expand your knowledge of attachment theory?
Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all
Very much
Not much
Not at all
5. How much did this 7 hour workshop add to your knowledge of neurobiology?
6. Did you take advantage of the opportunity to interact with Dr. Sonkin?
Yes No
If yes, did you find it helpful?
7. If you did not make use of the interactive part of the program, why didn't you ask Dr. Sonkin questions (select the answer that best describes your reason)?
The information was clear enough I don't like using email I didn't have any questions The links didn't work with my computer I'd like to digest the material before contacting him Other reason:
The information was clear enough
I don't like using email
I didn't have any questions
The links didn't work with my computer
I'd like to digest the material before contacting him
Other reason:
8. How would you rate you instructor's knowledge?
Very high High Average Below average Poor
Very high
Below average
9. How would you rate your instructor's teaching ability?
10. To what degree was this course both consistent with and met its stated goals and objectives.
11. Overall, how would you rate the value of this program?
12. Would you take another online workshop with Dr. Sonkin?
13. Is it ok to contact you of future online offerings?
14. Comments / Suggestions for improvement:
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