Additional Reading

Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Attachment and Neuro-Science

Daniel Sonkin, Ph.D.


Ainsworth, M. D. S., Blehar, M. C., Waters, E., & Wall, S. (1978).  Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the strange situation. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Allen, J.G., Fonagy,P, .Bateman, A.W. (2008), Mentalizing in Clinical Practice.  Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Allen, J.G., Fonagy,P. (2006), Handbook of Mentalization-Based Treatment,Chichester: John Wiley.Fonagy, P. (2001) Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis. New York: Other Press

Arden, John and Linford, Lloyd (2008). Brain-Based Therapy with children and adolescents:
Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice.   NY: Wiley.

Arden, John and Linford, Lloyd (2008). Brain-Based Therapy with Adults:
Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice.   NY: Wiley.

Bartholomew, K. & Horowitz, L.M. (1991) Attachment styles among young adults: A test of a four category model. Journal of personality and Social Psychology,  61 (2), 226 – 244.

Bartholomew, K.; & Moretti, M. (2002) The dynamics of measuring attachment. Attachment and Human Development, 4(2), 162-165.

Bowlby, J. (1969) Attachment  , Vol. 1 of Attachment and loss. London: Hogarth Press. New York: Basic  Books; Harmondsworth: Penguin (1971)

Bowlby, J. (1973) , Separation:  Anxiety & Anger. Vol. 2 of Attachment and loss London: Hogarth Press;  New York: Basic Books; Harmondsworth: Penguin (1975).

Bowlby, J. (1980) Loss:  Sadness & Depression, in Vol. 3 of Attachment and loss, London:  Hogarth Press. New York: Basic Books; Harmondsworth: Penguin (1981).

Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Clinical applications of attachment theory. London: Routledge.

Brennan, K. A.; Clark, C. L. and Shaver, P. R. (1998).  Self-report measurment of adult attachment: An integrative overview.  In J.A. Simpson and W.S. Rholes (Eds.), Attachment theory and close relationships (pp. 46-76), New York: Guilford Press.

Carney, Michelle, Buttell, Fred and Dutton, Don (2006). Women who perpetrate intimate partner violence: A review of the literature with recommendations for treatment. Aggression and Violent Behavior. Vol. 12, 108-115.

Cassidy J. & P. R. Shaver (Eds.)(1999, rev. 2008), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications. New York: Guilford Press.

Cowan, C and Cowan, P. (1999).  When Partners Become Parents: The Big Life Change for Couples. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Damasio, A. (2005). Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Penguin.

Damasio, A. (2003).  Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain.  New York: Harcourt.

Damasio, A. (1999). The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. New York: Harcourt Brace.

Davidson, Richard (2004). What does the prefrontal cortex ÒdoÓ in affect: Perspectives on frontal EEG asymmetry research.  Biological Psychology 67, pp. 219–233.

DiClemente, C.C. & Hughes, S.O.  Stages of change profiles in outpatient alcoholism treatment.  Journal of Subsatnce Abuse, 2, 217-235 (1990).

Dutton, D. G. (2006). Rethinking Domestic Violence.  Vancouver: UBC Press.

Dutton, D. G. (2007).  Female intimate partner violence and developmental trajectories of abusive families.  International Journal of Men’s Health, 6, 54-71. 

Dutton, D. G., & Nicholls, T. L.(2005) The gender paradigm in domestic violence research and theory. Part 1: the conflict of theory and data. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 10, 680-714.  

Dutton, D. G., Nicholls, T. L., & Spidel, A. (2005).  Female perpetrators of intimate abuse.  Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 41 (4) 1-31. 

Eckman, Paul (2007). Emotions Revealed, Second Edition: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life.  NY: Holt.

Fonagy, P.; Target, M.; Gergely, G. and Jurist, E.J.  (2002) Affect Regulation, Mentalization and the Development of the Self. New York: Other Press.

Fonagy, P., & Target, M. (1997). Attachment and reflective function:  Their role in self-organization. Development and Psychopathology, 9:677-699.

George, C., Kaplan, N. & Main, M. (1996). Adult Attachment Interview. (Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley (3rd ed.).

George, C. & West, M.  (2001). The Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Measure of Adult Attachment: The Adult Attachment Projective. Attachment and Human Development. 3, 30-61.

Glaser, Danya (2000). Child abuse and neglect and the brain: A review. Journal of Child Psychiatry. Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 97-116.

Goddard, Chris and Gillinder, Bedi (2010). Intimate partner violence and child abuse: A child-centered perspective. Child Abuse Review. Vol. 19, pp. 5-20.

Hamby, Sherry, Finkelhor, David, Turner, Heather and Ormrod, Richard (2010). The overlap of witnessing partner violence with child maltreatment and other victimizations in a nationally prepresentative survey of youth. Child Abuse and Neglect. 34, pp. 734-741.

Hazan, C. & Shaver, P. (1987). Romantic love as conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 511-524.

Hazan, Cindy and Zeifman, Debra (2008).  Pair bonds as attachments. In J. Cassidy & P. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications. New York: Guilford Press.

Hesse, Erik (2008).  The adult attachment interview: Historical and current perspectives. In J. Cassidy & P. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications. New York: Guilford Press.

Holmes, J. (2001).  In search of the secure base. London: Routledge.

Horvath, A.O. and Luborsky, L (1993). The Role of the Therapeutic Alliance in Psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 61, No. 4, 561-573.

Iacoboni, M. (2008).  Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect with Others, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, NY.

Johnson, Susan (2002). Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment  Bonds.  N.Y.: Guilford

Johnson, Susan (1996). The Practice of Emotionally Focused Marital Therapy: Creating Connection.  N.Y.: Brunner and Mazel.

Kaufman, Joan and Charney, Dennis (2001). Effects of early stress on brain structure and function: Implications for understanding the relationship between child maltreatment and depression. Development and Psychopathology. 13: pp. 451.471.

Ledoux, Joseph (2003).  Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are.  NY: Penguin. 

Main, M. & Solomon, J. (1986) Discovery of an insecure disorganized / disoriented attachment pattern: procedures, findings and implications for classification of behaviour.   In M. Yogman & T. B. Brazelton, Affective development in infancy. Norwood (pages 95-124), NJ: Ablex.

Main M.,  Goldwyn R. (1993).  Adult Attachment Classification System. Unpublished  manuscript, University of California, Berkeley.

Mayes, L., Fonagy,P., Target,M. (2007), Developmental Science and Psychoanalysis: Integration and Innovation.  London: Karnac.

Milkulincer, M., & Shaver, P. (2001).  Attachment theory and intergroup bias: Evidence that priming the secure base schema attenuates negative reactions to out-groups.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81, 97-115.

Mikulincer, M. and Shaver, P. (2007).  Attachment in adulthood: Structure, dynamics and change.  New York: Guilford Press.

Morgan, Hillary and Shaver, Phillip R. (1999). Attachment Processes and Commitment to Romantic Relationships. In Adams, J. and Jones, W. (eds), Handbook of Interpersonal Commitment and Relationship Stability, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Panksepp, Jaak (2007). Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions.  NY: Oxford University Press. 

Preston, Stephanie D. and de Waal, Frans B. M.  (2002). Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 1–72. 

Prochaska, J.O., DiClemente, C.C., & Norcross, C.C. (1992). In search of how people change: Applications to addictive behaviors. American Psychologist, 47, 1102-1127.

Radtke, K, Ruf, M, Gunter, HM. Dohrmann, K.,Schauer, M., Meyer, A. and Elbert, T. (2011). Transgenerational impact of intimate partner violence on methylation in the promoter of the glucocorticoid receptor. Translational Psychiatry. 1, e21.

Schore, A.N. (1994). Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Schore, A. N. (2003a).  Affect dysrgulation and disorders of the self.  New York: Norton.

Schore, A. N. (2003b).  Affect regulation and the repair of the self.  New York: Norton.

Sharp,C., Fonagy,P., Goodyer,I.G. (ed.) (2008), Social Cognition and Developmental Psychopathology.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shaver, Phil, Segev, Michal and Mikulincer, Mario (2010). A Behavioral Systems Perspective on Power and Aggression. In (Shaver and Mikulincer, Eds) Human aggression and violence: Causes, manifestations, and consequences. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Shaver, P. R., & Clark, C. L. (1994). The psychodynamics of adult romantic attachment. In J. M. Masling & R. F. Bornstein (Eds.), Empirical perspectives on object relations theories (pp. 105-156). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Shaver, P.; Belsky, J.; & Brennan, K. (2000) The Adult Attachment Interview and self-reports of romantic attachment: Associations across domains and methods. Personal Relationships, 7, 25-43.

Shaver, Phillip & Mikulincer, Mario (2002).  Attachment-Related Psychodynamics.  Attachment and  Human Development, 2002, 4: 133-161.

Siegel, DJ (1999). The developing mind: How relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are.  New York: Guilford Press.

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Siegel, D.J. (2007). The mindful brain: Reflection and attunement in the cultivation of well-being.  New York: W.W. Norton.

Siegel, D. J. (2010). The mindful therapist: A clinicianÕs guide to mindsight and neural integration.  New York: W.W. Norton.

Siegel, D.J. (2010).  Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation.  New York: Bantam. 

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